Australian Travel Visas

Unless you are an Australian or New Zealand citizen, you will need a visa to enter Australia.
The type of visa that you need, will depend on the reason for your visit, and also your circumstances.

You can use the filter below to narrow down your options. You can also choose the following Australian Visa Types:

Australian Tourist / Visitor Visas
Australian Work / Employment Visas
Australian Business Visas
Australian Permanent Residency Visas

Australian Travel Visas

Australian Student Visa

The Australian student visa allows you to study in Australia for longer than 3 months. You may also work part-time to supplement your income

Australian Working Holiday Visa

Australian Working Holiday Visa

An Australian Working Holiday is a popular way for young people to see the country, whilst doing temporary work to fund their travel. 

With an Australian working holiday visa, people aged 18 – 35 can travel, study and work around Australia for up to 12 months at a time.

The application process for an Australian Working Holiday Visa can get complicated. Our experts are here to help make the process as quick and painless as possible!

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