New Zealand Seasonal Working Visa

Information about New Zealand Seasonal Working Visa and how to apply

A New Zealand Seasonal Working Visa is for people aged over 18, to travel and work around New Zealand for up to 7 months in horticulture and viticulture industries

Application Fee


New Zealand Seasonal Working Visa

This visa allows you to come to New Zealand for a short time to work in our horticulture and viticulture industries. You’ll need a New Zealand job offer from a Recognised Seasonal Employer before you can apply. While you’re here you can earn some money and learn some horticulture skills.

New Zealand Seasonal Working Visa overview

Duration: up to 7 months for most countries in any 11 month period for the purpose of working in seasonal employment. The age range is 18 and over with no specified upper age limit

New Zealand Seasonal Working Visa allows

Work for a Recognised Seasonal Employer in New Zealand’s horticulture and Viticulture industries. Do work planting, Maintaining, Harvesting or Packing Crops. Click here for a list of New Zealand Recognised Seasonal Employers

New Zealand Seasonal Working Visa things to note

  • Work You Can’t apply for any other visa while you hold a New Zealand Recognised Seasonal Employer visa
  • You have to leave before the expiry of your New Zealand Recognised Seasonal Employer visa expires
  • you can’t include any other family members on this visa.

New Zealand Seasonal Working Visa Costs

For the costs and for further information regarding this visa application please contact our offices: Contact Us

Visa Details

Country to which the visa applies

New Zealand


holiday / tourism / visiting, employment /work

New Zealand Seasonal Working Visa

Ready to start your visa application?


Other Visas to Consider

  • New Zealand Essential Skills Working Visa

    A New Zealand essential skills working visa allows employment is an essential skills area for up to 5 years, depending on the skill level.

  • New Zealand Working Holiday Visa

    A New Zealand Working Holiday Visa is for people aged between 18 and 30 to travel and work around New Zealand for up to 23 months

  • Australian Working Holiday Visa

    Australian Working Holiday Visa

    An Australian Working Holiday is a popular way for young people to see the country, whilst doing temporary work to fund their travel. 

    With an Australian working holiday visa, people aged 18 – 35 can travel, study and work around Australia for up to 12 months at a time.

    The application process for an Australian Working Holiday Visa can get complicated. Our experts are here to help make the process as quick and painless as possible!

Do you need assistance in selecting the right visa for you?

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